(Updated in 2023)

iOS app code signing issues can be painful. So many things can go wrong!

This post attempts to explain the concepts and motivations behind the code signing mechanism, which hopefully equips us to deal with any variants of the code signing issues.

The big picture

Why is code signing needed? It is all about security.

Apple offers app security through such things as mandatory code signing … - Apple Platform Security

The concept is simple: Before an app can be run, the system checks that it is “signed”, meaning it verified to be developed by a trusted person/organisation.

In practice, Apple (Xcode or the OS) asks these questions at various points such as build, install, release and run time,

  • Who is the developer?
  • What app is this?
  • What device is the app going to run on?
  • Are the answers expected?

It then makes a decision on whether or not it is an acceptable combination for building/running. If failed, the error is expressed as some kind of code signing issues. Here is a list from Apple.

Here is an analogy that may help: Consider the management of a big car park/parking lot. The car park management (Apple) wants to enforce which car (app) can be parked by which driver (developer) in which car space (device).

Well, I don’t think any parking management would get down to that level of details - but you get the idea.

Let’s take a closer look.

Provisioning profile

Using the parking analogy, imagine registering a parking request - Here is my driver licence, this is my car plate number, and I want to park in that car space. Provisioning profile is like a piece of document with such information, pre-registered before you park the car. When you request to park the car, management will check such document and verify all the info, and only after then will the request be granted.

Similarly, provisioning profile needs to be created in Apple Developer portal first, then downloaded and opened in Xcode to become an available option in Xcode build settings. Later on during build/install/release/run time, the same profile should have been specified, and all the details from the profile need to match with the current build settings, otherwise the build process will fail.

When you create a provisioning profile, you provide information for three main concerns that the code signing verification process will verify:

  1. Who is the developer - Which certificates?
  2. What app is this provisioning profile for - What is the App ID?
  3. If the app is still under development, which devices are allowed to run it - What are the Device IDs?

What can go wrong with provisioning profiles?

  • It expires 12 months after the creation date.
  • Missing provisioning profile. For example, if a new provisioning profile has been created by your team member, it may have already been selected in build settings because your team member has committed the change. However it actually does not exist in your local environment. You need to download the specified profile, open it in Xcode, before the build can be run.
  • A provisioning profile can become invalid when there are changes to its associated certificate or App ID. A new profile is probably required.
  • In some cases, expired/invalid profiles can cause problems even when a valid profile exist and has been selected. Check ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles to see if there are expired/invalid profiles.

Part 1 - Certificates

Certificates in the provisioning profile identify the developer. This allows Apple to trace back the identity of a real person or organisation that published an app. This is why the certificate is also known as the “Code Signing Identity” in Xcode build settings and elsewhere.

Using the parking analogy again, the certificate is like a driver licence. Driver licence identifies the driver. Certificate identifies the developer.

  • A certificate is created/requested by you, the developer, either through Xcode or through Apple developer portal. Generated certificates can be found in the Keychain app.
  • When a provisioning profile is created, one or more certificates need to be selected. This defines which developers are allowed to build using this provisioning profile. With the parking analogy, this is like specifying which drivers can drive the car to the allocated car space.
  • During build time, Xcode checks that the current Code Signing Identity specified in build settings matches one of the certificates specified in the provisioning profile.
  • With this certificate, Xcode is able to “code sign” the output app bundle during the build process, forever associating the output binary with the person/organisation that developed this software. This is why the certificate is also called “Signing Certificates” and “Code Signing Certificates”.

There are many types of certificates, just like there are different types of driver licences that determine the types of vehicle that can be driven. The most distinctive attribute of a certificate is whether it is for development or distribution. Only distribution certificates allow publishing to the app store, and you can only get them if you join the $99 USD per year Apple Developer Program.

One more thing about certificate. When it is generated, there will actually be two parts: The certificate itself, and an associated private key.

  • The private key is a file stored in the computer where you generated your certificate.
  • If you use a new computer for development, and you want to reuse the old certificate, you will need to export private key from old computer and import to the new one. Alternatively, you can create a new certificate from the new computer.

What can go wrong with certificates?

  • It expires 12 months after the creation date.
  • Missing/invalid certificate - perhaps a new machine is being used.

Part 2 - App ID

When you create a provisioning profile, you have to choose an App ID. Before an App ID can be selected, it has to be created first in Apple Developer portal -> “Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles” -> Identifiers.

When you create a new App ID, you will be asked to select an App ID Prefix (e.g. 1A2BC345D6) which is generally your Team ID (Apple note on this topic) and also enter a Bundle ID (e.g. com.companyname.appname). Together, they form the full App ID which generally looks like 1A2BC345D6.com.companyname.appname.

The App ID terminology can be a bit confusing.

  • In many places, the Bundle ID itself without the prefix is shown as the App ID. E.g. the App ID field when you go to Apple portal and open a provisioning profile.
  • On the other hand, the full App ID is supposed to be a combination of both parts, e.g. 1A2BC345D6.com.companyname.appname. E.g. the App ID field when you go to Apple portal and try to edit a provisioning profile.

When the provisioning profile is used during build/run time, Xcode/the system double checks that the Bundle Identifier in build settings matches the App ID in the profile. Using the parking analogy again, the App ID is like a car plate number. It should be provided when you register a parking request, and it will be checked when you actually park the car.

In Xcode, Bundle Identifier of the app is specified in Project -> Target -> Info -> Custom iOS Target Properties -> Bundle identifier. It usually has a value of $(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER) which means the actual value is in Build Settings -> Packaging -> Product Bundle Identifier.

What can go wrong with App IDs?

  • Sometimes multiple App IDs are used for the same app, with different suffixes such as .debug, .test, .prod so that multiple versions can co-exist on the same device. In such cases, a mismatch between the Bundle ID in the particulr build scheme and App ID in the provisioning profile can happen by mistake more easily.

Part 3 - Devices

When a provisioning profile for development is created, you need to select devices. This is where you select the actual iPhone where you are going to run your app while it is in development. Before the device can be selected, you need to add it using the Devices section first.

Remember that in our analogy, parking management is not only controlling who can drive which car, but also where the car can be parked, and the arrangement is pre-allocated. Apple is controlling which device your app can run on while it is still in development.

The reason is that apps still in development have not been reviewed by Apple yet. If it is a buggy or malicious app, the only harm it can do would be to the devices registered by the developer.

What can go wrong?

  • The test device may not have been added to the provisioning profile yet.


Code signing issues can be confusing. Keep the big picture in mind, and consider if there have been recent changes in the areas mentioned above, should help you narrow down the root cause more easily. Good luck!

If you have more questions about code signing, feel free to ask in the comments section below!

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